All Good Tabs and Lyrics - Search or browse for J Church lyrics, drum tabs, bass tabs and guitar tablature

Search or browse for J Church lyrics, drum tabs, bass tabs and guitar tablature


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J Church lyrics, drum tabs, bass tabs, guitar chords and guitar tablature.

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J Church Bass tabs

Displaying songs 1 - 16 of 16

A Simple Gesture
Alone When She Dies
Case Number
Crop Circles
Dramatic History Of A Boring Town
Facist Radio
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Lama Temple

Part Of The Problem
Santa Cruz
Smell It Rot
Stupid Lesson
Undisputed King Of Nothing
Why I Liked Bikini Kill

You can learn the tricks and techniques used by the classic bluesmen!

You can learn the tricks and techniques used by the classic bluesmen!

Are you ready to take your playing to the next level? Want to discover the real blues? Need to enhance your fingerpicking techniques? You'd like to play like the old masters? (Artists covered: Robert Johnson, Big Bill Broonzy, Blind Boy Fuller, Blind Blake, Floyd Council, Scrapper Blackwell)

"Jim Bruce adds new dimensions to those beautiful old blues and rag songs and makes lessons easily accessable as downloads, with chords, tabs and easy to understand video and instruction from the master himself."

Click here see how you can learn to play blues and ragtime guitar from working bluesman Jim Bruce.

Lyrics, drum tab, bass tab, guitar chord and guitar tablature for musicians and music lovers.
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